Limited Edition Print of Holocaust Survivor, Edward Mosberg


Limited Edition Print of Holocaust Survivor Edward Mosberg – Supporting the Facing Survival Exhibition

Own a piece of history with this exclusive limited edition print featuring Edward Mosberg, a Holocaust survivor whose resilience and story are central to the Facing Survival exhibition. This powerful portrait, created by acclaimed artist David Kassan, captures Ed's strength, courage, and unwavering spirit, offering a glimpse into his incredible journey of survival and hope.

Limited to 100 signed prints
5 x 7 in
High-quality archival paper, ensuring vibrant colors and lasting quality
Each print is hand-signed by the artist, David Kassan

**About Edward Mosberg**
Edward Mosberg was born in Krakow and survived the Krakow ghetto, Plaszow and Mathausen concentration camps, and slave labor at the Hermann-Goering factory. His entire family was murdered in the Holocaust.

He endured further tribulations before sharing his testimony with USC Shoah Foundation. A nearly fatal auto accident prevented him from his first scheduled interview, while a stroke forced him to postpone the second.

Having long shared his memories of the Holocaust as a public speaker, Mosberg remained determined to find a lasting audience through the Visual History Archive, and he was finally able to record his testimony in October 2016. He also shares his story as one of 12 survivors chronicled in the documentary Destination Unknown.

As the sole member of his family to survive, Mosberg feels a duty to speak on behalf of their long-stilled voices. “My two sisters, and my wife’s sister, were killed in Stutthof on the night before liberation,” he recalls. “We must never forgive and we must never forget. I lost my whole family. So this is my duty, to go and talk and talk. Not just because of my family but also the 6 million Jews who were murdered. I go to schools, any place they need me, I am available. As long as I will live, to my last day I will go and talk about it, so the Holocaust will not be forgotten.”

“The United Nations declared January 27 as Holocaust Remembrance Day,” he adds. “For me, it is every single day.”

“Steven Spielberg woke up the whole world,” Mosberg said. “He is the greatest hero because up to that point people tried to forget. He brought the whole world to know about the Holocaust.” The work goes on, he said, with Smith and the mission of USC Shoah Foundation which he proudly supports.

**About the Artist**
David Kassan is an award-winning artist known for his deeply emotive and realistic portraits. His work often focuses on capturing the human spirit and telling the stories of individuals through his art.

**Support the Facing Survival Exhibition:**
Proceeds from the sale of this print will directly support the Facing Survival exhibition, helping to preserve and share the stories of Holocaust survivors like Edward Mosberg. Your purchase not only honors Ben’s legacy but also supports the vital mission of educating future generations about the Holocaust.

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